June 9, 2023 Feature Roundup
Current Theme Version: 5.21.08
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.16
Columns? You gotta keep ’em separated.
We’ve been asked for vertical separators on our Columns block, and we couldn’t think of a reason not to add the option. You can now add a line between columns. You can change its color and thickness, and whether it should be enabled on mobile or just on desktop.
When you have the parent Columns block selected, you’ll see a new Separator tab in the block editor sidebar, which holds all the options for using this new feature. By default, the separator option is disabled. When enabled on mobile, the separator will be a horizontal line between the content (instead of a vertical line).

What else changed?
In short, quite a bit but nothing really user-facing. We’ve tightened up a bunch of styling and usability quirks in the last month, including some pretty big changes to how our theme interacts with Gravity Forms.
Forms are a huge part of how users interact with websites, and with some of the Gravity Forms feature updates can even be used as an incredibly lightweight e-commerce solution. We’ve made sure it all works as expected.