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Dirigible Blocks

A list of all available blocks in Dirigible

Dirigible has the most advanced collection of custom WordPress blocks

Dirigible is built on top of WordPress, and Blocks are the modules for entering content into the full site editor (a.k.a. “Gutenberg”). WordPress comes with quite a few blocks, but at Dirigible, we’ve created our own library of super-charged blocks that let extend WordPress’s capabilities and allow you to create endless layouts.

Here’s a list of all of the blocks that Dirigible has built, so far.

Need help with a block? Check out our support knowledge base for detailed instructions on how to use each one.

Background Block

A container for other blocks with fully editable background options.

Buttons Block

We’ve turbo-charged the core buttons block to work with your style guide.

Comparison Table Block

Show pricing tiers in an attractive, easy-to-use way.

Columns Block

Two container blocks, side by each, each with alignment functionality.

Dirigible Blocks

Two blocks, side by side, each with alignment & background settings.

Dirigible People Block

Use with our People Plugin and show off your team.

FAQ Block

SEO Optimized and user-friendly Frequently Asked Questions Block

Grid Block

Arrange different types of cards in a grid that looks great at any viewport size.

Hero Block

Introduce a page in an attractive way with search engine optimized title tags.

Jump Nav Block

Write a description for this card.

NEW! Link in Bio Block

Write a description for this card.

Logos Block

Write a description for this card.

Map Block

Write a description for this card.

Media & Text Block

Write a description for this card.

Photo Feature Block

Write a description for this card.

Post Title Block

Write a description for this card.

Posts Block

Write a description for this card.

Price List Block

Write a description for this card.

Quotes Block

Write a description for this card.

Structured List Block

Write a description for this card.

Timeline Block

Write a description for this card.

Vignette Block

Write a description for this card.

Video Gallery Block

Write a description for this card.


Write a description for this card.