Domain Name Overview
Look more professional with a domain name
What is a domain name?
Your domain is what people type into their browsers in order to visit your site. For example, “dirigiblestudio.com” or “google.com”. Think of your domain name as a street address; it is how someone navigates to your location or, in this case, site.
Each domain name is unique and technically, it’s linked to an Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is a string of numbers. Since numbers are hard for humans to remember, domain names were introduced to replace them.
How to choose a domain name
Keep your domain name short and sweet. It is something that you want people to be able to remember, and that relates to your business. So use your business name or keywords that relate to your craft, or include your location if you only serve a specific area. It is also a good practice to avoid uncommon words or characters, as that will make it hard for your visitors to remember.
How to buy a domain name
To register your domain name, you will need to set up an account with an accredited registrar (i.e., Name.com or GoDaddy). Then you will be asked to pay for the domain. Once paid, you will then be designated the owner of that domain. It is important to remember that you are not an owner for life but rather a renter and to remain the owner of that domain. You will have to renew after a set amount of time.
Purchasing your domain name will help grow your business and give you security in ownership.
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Published on Jun 22 2023
Last Updated on Mar 04 2024
Categories: Small Business Websites, Web Design