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WordPress Themes & Plugins

Built by Dirigible

Drumroll, Please.

Meet Launchpad

A custom theme framework for WordPress Developers

A battle-tested, dog-fooded, labor of love that has formed the core of our custom WordPress theme development at Dirigible Studio for the last seven years. Packed with features, lightning-fast, and everything a developer needs to get a site off the ground, fast.

Want More? We’ve Got Galore.

WordPress Plugins

Faster, better, stronger.

Our plugins help feed your need for speed, without sacrificing form or function.

Dirigible SEO

Serious search engine optimization for web developers & SEO professionals.

Dirigible Manifest

A simple WordPress wiki to organize your documents.

Dirigible Provision

A recipe plugin to help your website rise to the top. SEO baked right in.

Dirigible Slipstream

An easy to use, yet powerful timeline plugin.