February 16th, 2023 Feature Roundup
Current Theme Version: 5.20.27
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.11
Granular Blog Post Sidebars
You can now select sidebar options on a per-post basis. This will override the default blog post sidebar settings found in Customizer → Blog → Post Pages. You can find in the Display Options section of the Post sidebar.

More options for your posts!
We have, at long last, given you the ability the change your post titles to be aligned left, center, or right. You can control this from Customizer → Blog → Post Pages.

New layouts for your Portfolio collections.
We’ve added some great new layouts for the Portfolio collections block, accessible if you are using our Portfolio plugins. These include the Logo, Packery, and Overlay styles.

Enhanced Grid Block
Now you can set both the Grid Gap and Content Spacing in your grids, giving you even more flexibility than you had before.

You can make your grids look incredibly different just be messing around with a few of these values to give your page an entirely new look.

Enhanced Separators
We’ve cleaned up the existing separators and added the separators that we found ourselves often custom coding into client websites as core options. You can access them through block styles. Go nuts, there’s tons of new options: Default, Wide, Dots, Thick, Accent, Vertical, Mark, Weighted, or Fading.

And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve enabled colors on all of these. Choose your brand colors and make your site pop.

You might notice we are even using some of the new styles in this post.
Single Post Meta Options
You can now choose to align your post meta Left, Center, or Right. You can find this in Customizer → Blog → Post Pages.

We’ve also added options to control the width of the Previous/Next post navigation. You can find this in Customizer → Blog → Post Pages.