A Breath of Fresh Air:
Creating Brethyn Psychotherapy’s Brand & Website
Starting Your Own Business Can Be Hard, But Dirigible Is Here to Help

A Traveler at Heart, Finally Settling Down in Madison
After years honing her skills at health centers and clinics throughout the United States, and most recently at UW Health, Gwynneth Schell, Ph. D, was ready to hang out her shingle and start her own psychotherapy practice. Enter: Brethyn Psychotherapy (pronounced Breath – In).
Growing up, Gwyn bounced between the mid-Atlantic and the Midwest. This instilled a love of travel in her.
My wanderlust was rooted in a curiosity of people. That curiosity launched me into my education in psychology and honed my focus in psychotherapy. I truly love the ‘aha’ moment in psychotherapy. The moment that the puzzle pieces fit and we understand why difficult patterns are present and how to move forward.
We wanted to make sure we encapsulated Gwyn’s unique personality and style in her new site. So when it came time to showcase her exceptional skills to future clients online, we knew she needed a website and branding materials to stand out from the crowd and make a mark in the Madison community.
Our Dirigible Website Builder is the best option for new businesses to get to market and grow online. It’s a new kind of website builder that utilizes and extends the power of WordPress.
Gwyn loves to learn how puzzle pieces fit together. We happen to have that in common. The Dirigible Website Builder makes creating a site simple — it’s easy to see how different elements of a site can fit seamlessly together.
Starting from Scratch
First, A Brand That Delves Deep, Just Like Its Founder
At the start of her process, Gwyn didn’t have a logo or style guide, so she selected our branding package option. During her Brand Bootcamp, our marketing team worked with Gwyn to develop a logo and brand book for her business. While she wrote all of her content, we designed her site and then added her writing to it.
Preparing and Planning
Then, Time to Liftoff
Gwyn opted for our Liftoff plan, which means in addition to our basic services, she’s also able to have a blog where she can share her knowledge about psychotherapy, promote her services and as a home base for her social media posts.
A Perfect Match
Right Brain Meets Left Brain
Creative logic is a driving force behind Gwyn’s site. It’s simultaneously flexible and easy-to-use, allowing her to keep her customers informed about any new services or therapy groups with the click of a couple of buttons, and it’s intuitive. It’s a breeze for Gywn to update her website on her own because her site is built using WordPress’s Block editor, which allows for a true WYSIWYG editing experience. Speaking of creativity, Dirigible is designed to separate content and design, so any changes to content Gwyn makes will look beautiful out of the box—so she doesn’t need to hire a web designer or graphic designer to add new content to her site.
Gwyn’s site is ready for growth with built-in blocks that are ready for her when she needs them. And building her site with Dirigible allows her access to new platform features when they’re rolled out, whether they are system upgrades or new options for her site. Dirigible‘s team of developers are constantly working on upgrades (including working on increasing our platform’s speed and efficiency!) so Gwyn’s site will always be up with the times.
Get In Touch
Practice Makes Perfect
We’ve got the site-building skills, and you’ve got the dream. So whether you’re thinking of starting your own business or need a personal site, just take a Breath – In, and know Dirigible has got your back.
Published on Oct 15 2021
Last Updated on Mar 16 2024
Categories: Branding, Case Study, Kindra Goehler, Small Business Websites
Tags: Logo, Therapist Website