March 26, 2024 Feature Roundup
Current Theme Version: 5.22.16
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.58
The theme and block updates in this feature roundup and mostly quality of life updates while we focused our attention on some highly specialized plugin development.
New Block: Breadcrumbs
Welcome our latest block to the fold, breadcrumbs! When placed on a page, breadcrumbs will act like you expect them to: they will link to every parent page in order, ending with the home page of your website. They come complete with appropriate schema to make sure you are getting the most bang for your SEO-buck!

Theme & Block Improvements
We’ve quashed some long-standing bugs. We’ve finally managed to wrangle the lightbox in Safari, no matter how crazy it’s dimensions are.

Now our fully-native lightbox will behave no matter what browser you’re using!

Updated icon colors for all Dirigible blocks.
We’ve done some housekeeping for our blocks, and created a ‘Dirigible’ category in the backend. We’ve also given all our blocks a blue background that should make it easier to pick them out from default blocks or blocks added through other plugins.
Never choose the wrong Columns block again!

Native YARPP Support
We’ve added native templates for YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin). This is a super lightweight way to display related posts, and doesn’t require loading any additional stylesheets or javascript.

Improved Counter block
Counter blocks now support prefixes and suffixes, and can be using with floating point decimal numbers!

Improved Hero block
Notice you’re getting dinged on Pagespeed Insights for your hero image being loaded lazily? We’ve added a toggle to the hero to prevent it from lazy loading.

Improved Site Preview block
Notice you’re getting dinged for not having a title on the iframe that’s part of the site preview block? Don’t worry, we’ve fixed that too.
The Nitty Gritty
Published on Mar 26 2024
Categories: Feature Updates, Sam Farrell