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Sam Farrell, Co-Founder & Lead Developer at Dirigible Studio

Sam Farrell

Founder & Lead Developer

The latest from Sam

Current Theme Version: 5.22.29 Current Blocks Version: 4.7.65 Author: Sam Farrell The theme and block updates in this feature roundup and mostly quality of life updates while we focused our…

Current Theme Version: 5.22.16 Current Blocks Version: 4.7.58 Author: Sam Farrell The theme and block updates in this feature roundup and mostly quality of life updates while we focused our…

Current Theme Version: 5.22.01 Current Blocks Version: 4.7.47 Author: Sam Farrell Hello again. It’s been a while, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. We’ve been hard at work…

Current Theme Version: 5.21.16 Current Blocks Version: 4.7.17 Say hello to knowledge base. We’ve been using our Manifest plugin for awhile now on this very site to handle documentation for…

Current Theme Version: 5.21.13 Current Blocks Version: 4.7.17 New Plugin: Dirigible Salespeople Many of our clients use third party services for users to locate sales reps. Sometimes these are in-house…