April, 2024 Feature Roundup
Current Theme Version: 5.22.29
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.65
The theme and block updates in this feature roundup and mostly quality of life updates while we focused our attention on some highly specialized plugin development.
Change Logo on Scroll
Ever wish that you could switch out or animate your logo on scroll? Now you can. Just select the ‘change logo on scroll’ option in your customizer and upload a new one. Voilà!
New Block: Quote
In the past, we’ve maintained quite a number of different types of quote blocks, including a Small Quote, Large Quote, and regular old Quote block. We’ve consolidated all of them into a feature-rich block that does everything the old blocks do and more.
In addition to all the previous functionality of the aformentioned blocks, we’ve added even more. You can now set your text size, your padding, your design, and even choose a quote icon and set it’s size. There are brand new settings for displaying the quote citation, including which heading level to set the citation name at and what size the headshot should be. We’ve broken out some of the display settings so that you can mix and match however you please.

Theme & Block Improvements
Better Link Selection
It was quite an undertaking, but we’ve updated all the links in our block to use the new LinkControlSearchInput included in the later version of the WordPress block editor. While this is functionally the same, it provides much more information about each link as you choose it. No more will you have to guess-and-check between two different types of content with the same name. The url and content type will show up right in the suggestions overlay.

New Grid Options
You can now choose 6-per-row or 7-per row when using a grid, which is very useful for dense icon grids. You can see it in action on our block samples page.
New Hero Button Options
You can now choose Hollow or Alternate button styles for your hero block buttons!
Never Again Block Robots.txt
We’ve added a giant red flag (literally) when your site is discouraging robots.txt indexing, which also disables the sitemap that WordPress creates. Oftentimes you want to discourage indexing while you’re building a site, but you really, really, REALLY want to make sure you turn this off when your site launches. We’ve made it harder to forget! We’ve also hidden this option so you can’t find yourself clicking it willy-nilly.

More Options For Posts Block Display
We’ve added query options for our Posts block, which allows you to select either AND or OR operators when pulling in blog posts by category and(/or) tags. It’s pretty granular, so you should be able to do whatever your heart desires. We’ve also added some tabs to this block so it’s a bit easier to wrangle.

Of course, we’ve squashed quite a few bugs and fixed some random things that WordPress 6.5 broke as well, but we don’t want to bore you with that. Trust in the process!
The Nitty Gritty
Published on Apr 30 2024
Categories: Feature Updates, Sam Farrell